
Upload Your Sermon

Thank you for your interest to have your sermon published on RabbisUnited.com. We're always looking for new sermons to add to our site. Before you send your submission to us, please take the time to look at the guidelines below. Thank you for your interest.

1. Before you send us your sermon, please review the content on our site. This will give you a good idea of the different kinds of sermons we publish, as well as their tempo and tone.

2. When sending us your sermon, please include a short introduction explaining the topic.

3. We're a national website, with diverse Rabbinical membership, so we're mainly interested in stories that will appeal to a wide audience. For example, confronting antisemitism and strengthening your Jewish identity or tie to Israel are always welcome.

4. Because of the large volume of submissions we receive, we do not post everything, and it generally takes about two to six weeks for us to publish accepted sermons to the site.

Thank you for your patience and your participation!

Sermons database will be made available soon.
Please upload your sermon, about Unity, Antisemitism or Israel below
so we can include it in the database.

Upload your Sermon

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