Learn about the cruel displacement of Jews: persecution, colonization, the destruction of Mizrahi Jewry, and the many attempts to suppress the liberation of the Jewish people.
We must confront dangerous antisemitism when we see it, regardless of its source.
Antisemitism—hatred against Jews—is an ancient prejudice that has appeared in many different societies and comes from across the political spectrum.
Antisemitism, which was forced into the fringes after the Holocaust, is surging back into the mainstream. Its sources are not only neo-Nazis or the KKK.
The IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism represents a consensus definition among those democracies.
BDS stands for the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel. When Israel’s enemies realized they could not conquer Israel through conventional wars and terrorism, they redoubled their efforts to eliminate it through economic, diplomatic, legal, and cultural warfare.
The internet is a fantastic place for research and keeping apprised of the latest developments in
world news. However, it's now easier than ever to be exposed to illegitimate news sources and incite panic by sharing information without factual sources.
Facebook defines hate speech as a direct attack on people based on protected characteristics, including race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, gender identity, serious disease or disability, and immigration status.
Responding to antisemitic and anti-Israel activity can be difficult, but there are substantial resources to help and support you through the administrative process.
At its most basic level, antisemitism is defined as a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred, rhetorically and physically. Antisemitism often charges the Jewish people with conspiring to harm humanity and is used to blame the community for "why things go wrong."
Not all situations of conflict are the same, or even similar. Yet, the human need to make sense of the world and categorize things often distorts perceptions and leads to mistaken conclusions.
On December 11, 2019, President Trump signed an executive order formally extending Title VI protection to Jewish students facing discrimination. Because there has been confusion surrounding the implication of this executive order, we break it down here.
The enduring lesson of the Holocaust and the genocides
that followed is that they occurred not simply because of the machinery of death but because of a state-sanctioned ideology of hate. This teaching of contempt, this demonizing of the other—this is where it all begins.
Israel represents justice,
resilience, and hope. It is a nation of indigenous people who overcame 1,900 years of oppression to achieve freedom in their ancestral home.
Definitions of Antisemitism